Tuesday 21 February 2012

This week's press

We've had some nice press this week.

First, we are Artist of the Week on IndieVision Music

You can also find us on the blog of the brilliant author John Herrick

There's plenty more to come, keep your eyes open!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

EP Out Now!

It's finally happened! The debut EP from Ghostree is available now from Bandcamp. We're really excited to have the opportunity to share this record with you. It's been a long and challenging process getting to this point and it feels like an important moment for us!

We hope you love this record. We hope it blesses you. We hope it makes you think. We hope it's something you want to share with the ones you love.

We're rehearsing right now, and we'll be announcing our debut live shows soon. We can't wait to get on the road and play these songs to you!

The first review of the album is now in from Louder Than The Music. Thanks to Jono for the review and Louder Than The Music for their support!